Your brand embodies what you want your business to represent, and ties into your perceived value. This relates directly to selling...
My life has been, at times, like the Seinfeld rerun about being lost in the parking garage and not remembering where they parked. The...
Sometimes the most elegant solution to a problem or to being stuck is the last thing you think of - not the first. I have worked with...
In my world, all prospective client opportunities go into a sales pipeline where they can be tracked and monitored. This is the biggest...
As Lisa Haneberg of Management Craft aptly points out, it is quarterly review time. Even if your business is small, this is an excellent...
This is a saying I have on my desk - Never Confuse Activity With Accomplishment - it was told to me years ago. How true then and now.
Since I am such a fan of networking, it is only natural that I'd get involved in some virtual versions of what we use to have to do in...