30 Ways to Boost Sales in Q4

30 ways to boost saleNeed a dose of inspiration to boost sales before the calendar year is over? Working to hit that stretch goal? How about a way to move a stalled sales opportunity to closure? In the many years I’ve been a seller it seems that what has worked well for me is to try something different – to get out of my own way of thinking and find a different approach with a buyer or a market sector. Also what works is to do MORE of the activities that lead to helping buyers. If you are NOT talking to enough buyers you won’t close enough business. Make more time for buyers, customers, and those who can refer you, and less time with busy work that keeps you away from the folks I just mentioned.



Here are 30 ideas you can review to find one or two that resonate with where you are and what is in your pipeline. Next we’ll talk about ways to set yourself up for success heading into the new year. For now, which one jumps out at you below?

  1. Meet with a prospecting coach and get unstuck
  2. Meet with an accountability partner – commit to specific daily prospecting activities and follow up activities
  3. Determine what you are struggling with in contacting buyers and find a way to do it
  4. Meet with the most successful seller in your company or on your team – success leaves clues – pick up one idea from them that you can apply immediately
  5. Improve your time management
  6. Learn more about your clients’ issues and help them solve them. It’s about them, not you
  7. Call up three existing clients and see how you can be of value – with no agenda
  8. Make that call you have been putting off – you know the one…..
  9. Look up several former clients or customers you’re not working with anymore – sometimes a simple conversation can restart a past business relationship
  10.  Set aside weekly prospecting time in regular time blocks
  11.  Keep track of all sales opportunities with BETTER notes. Record if possible
  12.  Update your sales opportunities daily
  13.  Find a mentor you admire
  14.  Call 50 people or meet 50 people and hone your intro (or value proposition)
  15.  Get feedback on your listening skills
  16.  Make a list of 10 places to get new biz
  17.  Find a new audience for your product or service
  18.  Learn 20 new power phrases
  19.  Analyze what you say that is negative
  20.  Target 10 companies you want to work with
  21.  Create a plan of action for those 10 companies
  22.  Set an activity goal to book 20 virtual meetings
  23.  Think of stories that you can use to better connect with prospects
  24.  Analyze what past customers or clients have bought from you
  25.  Offer a new service which your market wants
  26.  Post on LinkedIn as a long form post about the challenges you solve, in a totally informational, helpful way. Become seen as a thought leader in your industry through content creation – it takes time, but is so worth it.
  27.  Say "yes, and" rather than "no, but" - in the spirit of improv
  28.  Create urgency with an offer
  29.  Ask for referrals
  30.  Obtain endorsements, showing measurable value, from 5 clients

What did we miss?

Post your ideas on Twitter mentioning #30WaysQ4 @scoremoresales

Lori Richardson  helps mid-sized companies grow revenues by solving key issues in their sales department - like recruiting, retention, diversity hiring, process, pipeline and leadership. She speaks at CEO groups on topics of sales growth. Clients include companies in the technology, telecom, manufacturing, distribution, and professional services industries. Subscribe to the award-winning blog, follow her on Twitter
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email lori@ScoreMoreSales.com | My LinkedIn Profile | @scoremoresales | G+

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