Want to Sell More? Buy a White Board to Show Activity Results!

Yes, a white board. Or a blackboard. Write your goals for the week in one column, and write your actuals in another column. Begin with proactive sales activity: calls, targeted e-mails, letters, and meetings. You can be more complex and track a few vertical efforts or large accounts vs. small - just start tracking your activity.

Remember, you can't improve what you can't measure - this is one little thing that will go a LONG way to your success.

I've seen large corporate sales teams doing the same thing - only with LCD projectors projecting up-to-the-minute sales results on the walls. It is an age-old, tried-and-true way to create visibility for you, your small team, or a very large team. Try it and see if it isn't one of the easiest process pieces to implement that really works.

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