Written By
Lori Richardson
The most powerful thing that you can work with your sales reps on that affects them more than anything else is to have interactive, one-on-one coaching sessions. Here is what coaching is NOT:
You hear one of your reps on the phone in the next cube and when they get off the phone you correct them about saying something they told the prospective buyer. That is not coaching, that is feedback.
You meet one-on-one with your rep and proceed to tell them what their new quota is, why they are probably not going to succeed, and question them about the things you told them in the past that they did not adopt. That is not coaching, that is telling.
You say things that sound like command and control to your team – that is managing.
Giving feedback, your opinions, telling your team and managing are all part of your job as a sales leader and manager – they just are not coaching.
What IS Coaching?
Coaching is what the best baseball coaches do on the bench – they help bring each person up a notch from where they are – not looking for uniformity but looking to focus on each player’s strengths.
It is one-on-one time where a rep can be challenged to think more creatively – to find a new answer. It is not something you push onto your reps, but rather interactive – some input along with a lot of what could be possible.
How Does it Sound?
Tell me about….
How are you feeling when it comes to…….
If you could choose one thing to be concerned about on your big sales opportunity it would be…….
New Coaching Guide to Help You
We had the pleasure to sponsor a new e-book about sales coaching created by Jon Birdsong of Rivalry.
Go to download it here.
We also recommend you become a student of sales coaching – find everything you can about it. This is a critical part of any sales leader’s job – and for those who aspire to lead a sales team.
Additional Resources
The Bridge Group, Inc’s “Desk to 5C” – 30 Day Sales Coaching Guide
Coaching Sales People into Sales Champions – by Keith Rosen - read 3 chapters here
Cracking the Sales Management Code – by Jason Jordan and Michelle Vazzana – read 2 chapters here
Lori Richardson is recognized on Forbes as one of the "Top 30 Social Sales Influencers" worldwide. Lori speaks, writes, trains, and consults with inside sales teams in mid-sized companies. Subscribe to the award-winning blog and the "Sales Ideas In A Minute" newsletter for sales strategies, tactics, and tips in selling. Increase Opportunities. Expand Your Pipeline. Close More Deals.
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