Written By
Lori Richardson
There are a lot of sales books out there and it is SO easy to skim them quickly and summarize that they are like other books I read about selling every month.
It takes some courage to talk about loving your buyers, customers, and clients – the book Heart and Sell – 10 Universal Truths Every Salesperson Needs to Know, by Shari Levitin is a book that goes right to the core about what is important today when it comes to standing out in your selling career. It is about putting your heart into selling.
Putting your heart into selling means, according to Levitin, genuinely caring about improving the lives and businesses of your customers – listening – and living in an ethical and principled manner. It means truly connecting with your buyers.
I can get behind that.
In a quick perusal of the chapters, three of them totally grabbed me, based on what I have been telling sellers for years:
1) Freedom Lives in Structure
2) Anything That Can Be Told Can be Asked
3) Looking for Wrongs Never Makes You Right
It turns out these are three of the “10 Universal Truths” Levitin shares which top sellers understand, regardless of their backgrounds. In addition, she shares a great acronym to remind us how NOT to be if we want to be successful. The acronym is H.E.L.L. so that you don’t go into Sales Hell. I love this and can totally relate to it. H.E.L.L. stands for:
Lack of Knowledge
It is SO easy as a seller to fall into your “status quo” and not reach for excellence. Excellence can be found through the ten truths shared here.
Do you go to your default tendencies? If you just focused on this one small part of the book, you could raise your revenues here dramatically.
I did a lot of deep thinking about my defaults when reading.
What I liked most about Shari Levitin’s new book is that she shares many relatable stories as well as research to help show why we do some of the things we do, and how the top successes do things differently. It reads well, meaning I had a hard time putting it down.
I recommend this read to anyone who is new in sales, or who needs a boost in their career.
Congrats to Shari Levitin for an amazing first book. Shari can be found at Shari Levitin and at WOMEN Sales Pros.
Lori Richardson helps mid-sized companies grow revenues by solving key issues in their sales department - like recruiting, retention, diversity hiring, process, pipeline and leadership. She speaks at CEO groups on topics of sales growth. Clients include companies in the technology, telecom, manufacturing, distribution, and professional services industries. Subscribe to the award-winning blog, follow her on Twitter
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