Reduce The Cost Of Sales

There are two ways you can reduce the costs of sales.

1. Ask better questions.
2. Use the phone.

Asking Better Questions.
Sales managers across the country are pushing face-time. "You've
got to be in front of your customers if you want to close a sale."

Here's a different perspective, to get in front of customers who
have an interest in purchasing the product or service you're
selling. If there's no interest, why have the meeting?

How do you find out if there's any interest? Ask Great Questions.

When you're speaking with your customer, ask questions to
find out about their goals, objectives, challenges. What keeps
them up at night? What problems do they have that
your product/service can solve.

If there's no problem, there's no sale!

Reprinted with permission from "Jeffrey Mayer's Newsletter. (Copyright, 2003, Jeffrey J.
Mayer, To subscribe to Jeff's free
newsletter, click here.

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