Money Monday Multi-faceted Prospecting Strategy

use a multi-faceted approach to prospectA multi-faceted prospecting strategy allows you to meet your buyer where they are. Not everyone likes using the phone - especially many in IT. Others don't respond to email but they will pick up a phone occasionally or will listen to your voice mail message.

I talked to some sellers last week who told me that they only use the phone to prospect with. They have some level of success, but by not using other means of prospecting tools they are certainly leaving money on the table.

Many times in the past I have written about having a "multi-faceted" approach to looking for prospective buyers of your products and services. In fact it was the topic I chose as part of the Sales Acceleration Summit sponsored by Inside Sales earlier this year. You can watch the video here.

[While I'm thinking of that summit, also check out THIS one - Sales Acceleration Technology Summit on 9/10. If you read this after that date, look for the archived sessions at InsideSales.]

This week, simply think about this - what modes of communication do you use to reach potential buyers and who may you be missing out on?

A client recently gained a $250M per year deal simply by integrating the use of LinkedIn into his routine, and made contact with someone no one could reach by phone previously. It took ONE LinkedIn message, not months of communication.

Are you using:

Phone - dialing at various times per day and days per week?

Voice Mail - compelling, buyer focused brief messages?

E-mail - short, interest-piquing communication?

LinkedIn - through buyer focused connection requests, InMail messages, content on your page, and with interaction in key groups

Twitter - follow your prospects through Twitter lists and see what they are talking about - then interact as appropriate.

Hand-written note - yep, they work. Keep them about 3-4 sentences. Have cards, stamped envelopes and return labels at your disposal at all times. You will stand out from the pack of sellers all vying for your prospect's time.

Take an assessment of what you are doing, and determine ONE new way you could add a dimension, or facet - to your prospecting. Share in the comments section what works best for you and in what combination.

Lori Richardson - Score More SalesLori Richardson is recognized on Forbes as one of the "Top 30 Social Sales Influencers" worldwide. Lori speaks, writes, trains, and consults with inside sales teams in mid-sized companies. Subscribe to the award-winning blog and the "Sales Ideas In A Minute" newsletter for sales strategies, tactics, and tips in selling. Increase Opportunities. Expand Your Pipeline. Close More Deals.

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