Blog - Score More Sales

It's Summer... Are your sales activities slowing down?

Written by Lori Richardson | Jul 8, 2004 8:32:47 AM

As this blog has been a bit sporadic lately, I was thinking of how Q3 can be a challenge for folks. Many of us mentally downshift, offering lots of reasons for why people are not reachable or able to make decisions to buy.

Wendy Weiss sums it up well:

It's summertime!

1. No one wants to be bothered.
2. It's too hot.
3. It's a beautiful day; everyone is out.
4. No one is thinking about work.
5. Prospects are getting ready to go on vacation.
6. Everyone is on vacation.
7. Prospects are just returning from their vacations.
8. I'm preparing to go on vacation.
9. I'm on vacation.
10. I've just returned from vacation.
11. My assistant is on vacation.
12. Their assistant is on vacation.
13. No one is in on Mondays.
14. No one is in on Fridays.
15. Prospects are catching up midweek.
16. Prospects leave the office early.
17. Prospects go to the office late.
18. Prospects take long lunches.
19. No one makes appointments till after July 4th.
20. No one makes appointments till after Labor Day.

Print this list out. Send it to your competition. Then, get
on the telephone!

Life and work continue, even in the summer! If it's too
hot, then your prospects will be in their nice, air-
conditioned offices—where you should be, too, making calls.
If it is a beautiful day, some people may be out. The rest
will not.

Everyone is not on vacation every day. If you happen to
call someone who is on vacation, call them back when they
return. If they are planning a vacation, schedule the
meeting for when they return. If they have just returned
from their vacation, schedule for a time when they say they
will be caught up. If you are going on vacation, schedule
for when you return.

Prospects are in the office on Mondays and Fridays, early
and late. They are frequently at their desks during lunch—
especially when you are calling the boss.

Prospects make appointments all summer long, just as they
do in the fall, winter and spring. If a prospect asks you
to call back after a holiday, suggest that you "pencil in a
meeting for after the holiday." Promise that you will call
to confirm it. Do so!

(Wendy's email is