Blog - Score More Sales

Post Your Sales Numbers and Activity

Written by Lori Richardson | May 23, 2005 7:34:08 AM

Some people call them cheat sheets - I call them visual reminders. As a visual person, it helps me to have my goals posted in front of me. In working with sales teams, it is extremely valuable to have a white board or LCD projector projecting the current number of appointments, closed revenue, and other activities that are being tracked up on the wall.
We get so bombarded with numbers and infoglut that it helps everyone when what you are working toward is clear. So clear that you can post it on the wall.
I finished a training session last week and am now mailing a laminated follow up with the key takeaways on this small keepsake card. I'll do this because adults learn through repetition and reinforcement - and if they keep it handy, it will help them remember what was most important that day.
What could you put up on your wall? What IS already up on your wall? Post your thoughts.