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Must Read Sales Book: Zero Time Selling by Andy Paul

Written by Lori Richardson | Jun 2, 2012 6:08:04 AM

This is the start of a new weekend series of blog posts on books we have read and recommend to help you gain sales knowledge in an easy to read, executive summary style report. Not all books we review fall into this "must read" category. Hope you enjoy, and please post YOUR thoughts if you do read the book based on our recommendation. 

Zero-Time Selling - 10 Essential Steps to Accelerate Every Company's Sales by Andy Paul 

Why we Like Zero Time Selling: Andy Paul created an easy-to-read and thought provoking book for sales leaders who want to cut through all the noise and grow revenues.  You can read this in a couple of hours, easily over a weekend.

Also, there is a very helpful Quick Start Guide ebook you can download at no cost, at the Zero Time Selling website.

There is also a Facebook page for the book.

He has 5 underlying premises:

1. How you sell is as important as what you sell

2. If you are talking to a customer, it is urgent.

3. Everything happens now (unless it has already happened) [wow, is that true!]

4. Measure. Fine Tune. Measure

5. Every customer is the center of your universe.

It's hard to know where to start with my agreement on these topics. I know Andy personally, and maybe I like him so much because our philosophies resonate. His point toward the end of the book that "It's the system, stupid" (ode to James Carville) talks about the importance of your SYSTEMS in place. Yes, people are critical - but sales people change, and therefore your system, as well as your processes need to be hammered out and working smoothly.

The book uses an acronym MILT, which stands for Maximum Impact in the Least Time possible. In other words, using this focus for every interaction leads to greater productivity and success.  So critical, because time is the one thing sales reps cannot ever get back. If we all valued our time and each other's time more, we would be much more efficient and effective.

Ten solutions are offered which can build sales - using any methodology you have. This is not a philosophical book, it is one on taking action.  Buy it, read it, take it to heart, and put one or more of the solutions into place.

Rating: $$$$$ (out of 5)

Buy the book here

Lori Richardson is recognized as one of the “Top 25 Sales Influencers for 2012″ and one of “20 Women to Watch in Sales Lead Management”. Lori speaks, writes, trains, and consults with inside and outbound sellers in technology and services companies. Subscribe to the award-winning blog and the “Sales Ideas In A Minute” newsletter for tips and strategies in selling.