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Inside Sales Power Tip 121 – Shorten Your Message

Written by Lori Richardson | Jul 1, 2013 2:26:15 PM

Salespeople send email messages that are way too long most of the time.

Sellers also leave long-winded voice mail messages.

To top that off, we rarely leave specific suggested next actions that work.

If you are in sales and have mastered the art of the brief, succinct message, consider yourself a Sales Rockstar or on your way to being one.

Why do we say so much and send so much?

It seems like most of the time, we're so wrapped up in our own company and how great we are, we forget that others outside of our company have no interest in hearing much from us until there is context and until we are adding value.

I posted about Dave, a veteran seller who decided to take me up on my dare and send himself his own email message - and check it on his smart phone.

Dave said, "when I saw them on my mobile device, I almost deleted them myself they were so long."

You can read the whole e-mail prospecting scenario along with his results, then try it for yourself.

The words you choose, and the quantity of them directly affect your success in gaining someone's attention.

Consider the following tips to help you get more and better connections with potential customers:

  • Every word you choose counts - language and communication is such an important part of selling. Choose wisely.
  • Learn new words and expand your vocabulary. Look up any word you don't know and create a list for yourself.
  • Be able to speak extemporaneously - this is a valuable skill for when you get someone on the phone.
  • Whatever you create for a voice mail message or email message, work to shorten using fewer, more powerful words.
  • Ask others who are successful prospectors for honest feedback.
  • Send yourself the emails you send to others, and read them on your smartphone. Seem longer than you thought?
  • Understand what the insight is that will benefit your prospective customers - and incorporate that into messaging.
  • Do A-B testing. See what works, then shift some words and see how THAT works. Continue with whatever is most successful.
  • Understand that this is a process. No one has a "killer script" or canned words you can use. Make it work for you.

What tips have you learned about creating shorter, more powerful messaging?

What one new idea will you try?

Lori Richardson is recognized as one of the "Top 25 Sales Influencers for 2013" and one of "20 Women to Watch in Sales Lead Management for 2013". Lori speaks, writes, trains, and consults with inside and outbound sellers in technology and services companies. Subscribe to the award-winning blog and the “Sales Ideas In A Minute” newsletter for sales strategies, tactics, and tips in selling. Increase Opportunities. Expand Your Pipeline. Close More Deals.