Blog - Score More Sales

1% Improvement Every Day Grows Sales

Written by Lori Richardson | Dec 29, 2014 9:35:47 AM

In sales, you cannot assume that other reps and teammates know exactly what to do and say at every moment to grow revenues.

Did you ever learn about compound interest? It is the concept that interest paid on principal and interest vs. simple interest which is only paid on the principal amount. It is one of the biggest concepts in finance since it can make such a difference long term with your money. I believe that if you work to learn something - just one thing, every day - it will compound your learning much like compound interest grows savings.

Sales reps - whether they are your team or your teammates - need ongoing work on the messaging that happens with buyers. There is messaging when you leave a compelling voice mail, and messaging you craft in an e-mail. If you can work on that messaging every day - and help your teammates (or your team, if you are a sales leader) improve just 1% today - this ongoing learning will compound and soon you'll be identifying opportunities better and qualifying potential deals easier. Sooner than later you'll close more business.

I talk about making a 1% improvement every day on a video I made with Brighttalk recently. (2 minutes) . If you like it, please rate it - and thanks in advance.

Assuming the wording of your messaging is compelling (and that is not the case with most sales reps), then you focus on listening skills, and powerful questions to ask that will support your messaging.

Within the messaging you create, how you say something is critically important - your tone, your energy, and genuine curiousness.

What you say needs to be buyer-focused. Instead of touting your product or service, you are leading with learning about them, sharing what you know about the contact or his / her company or the industry they work in. You focus on them first, then you can tie in how it might make sense for you to speak with them.

Next we'll talk about tying in or connecting better with them.

Lori Richardson is recognized on Forbes as one of the "Top 30 Social Sales Influencers" worldwide. Lori speaks, writes, trains, and consults with inside sales teams in mid-sized companies. Subscribe to the award-winning blog and the "Sales Ideas In A Minute" newsletter for sales strategies, tactics, and tips in selling. Increase Opportunities. Expand Your Pipeline. Close More Deals.

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