Blog - Score More Sales

Close Your Deals In 13 Days

Written by Lori Richardson | Jul 12, 2013 3:41:13 PM

After today, there are 13 business days in the month of July. For some of you this is fine because you are on track with your sales goals. Others will have a lump in your throat, or just a queasiness because you need to find ways to close business soon. Before 13 business days pass. Am I right?

Here are some ideas to help you. As with all advice, some will work in your particular situation and some won't - so pick and choose what might work.

I wrote this post because I had several conversations with sales reps who are all stuck and need to move forward. It doesn't mean that they just need to close deals, because some don't have enough deals ready.

The biggest issue for the folks I talked with today was attitude. You have got to KNOW you will bring more business to closure in the next 13 days.

Ways to Bring Business to Closure: 

  • Go through your deals - if you are newer this is a simple quick task. If you are very new you may have no deals. No matter where you are, determine what you have to work with. It's like figuring out your personal assets. If you don't have many, it is a quick activity. For those of you veterans, dig around and see what might be able to be revived. One of my clients did this and they ended up closing business once thought to be impossible to close
  • Get away from your office - not just physically but mentally. Decide to not think about this until Sunday evening, when you can put more creative thought into it. I once closed one of my biggest deals ever this way - by getting so far away from a work mindset then coming back refreshed. Can you do that?
  • Put a creative "SWAT" team together - for bigger or at least for important deals for your company, sometimes bringing a few of you together to talk through the deal will help unlock creative strategies not thought of yet. Use people from different parts of the company - over lunch or breakfast with a whiteboard. Write down every crazy idea to help you find new ways to work with a prospective customer.
  • Find a new way to collaborate with your buyer - selling now is all about collaborating and creating a win/win. Could you be so focused on your company that you are not thinking about theirs? How can you refocus and find points of commonality?
  • Lighten up - Stress brings your energy and your whole body down. Work through it, like a professional athlete. They don't give up after losing a game. They get up and get ready for the next challenge. So must you.

Is there a creative way to unlock a stuck deal?

Are there buyers who were not ready but may be ready now and you have not followed up with them?

What can you do to move forward?

Post your thoughts - it helps others.

Lori Richardson is recognized as one of the "Top 25 Sales Influencers for 2013" and one of "20 Women to Watch in Sales Lead Management for 2013". Lori speaks, writes, trains, and consults with inside and outbound sellers in technology and services companies. Subscribe to the award-winning blog and the “Sales Ideas In A Minute” newsletter for sales strategies, tactics, and tips in selling. Increase Opportunities. Expand Your Pipeline. Close More Deals.