Blog - Score More Sales

50 Ways to Score More Sales

Written by Lori Richardson | Jan 27, 2014 10:15:53 AM

Need some sales inspiration? A new twist on an old sales idea you'd like to do again? A quick sales jump-start this week? We're pulling from a post originally published in November of 2008 - the ideas still stand, and there are LOTS more. The idea is to get inspired to take action. Which one does it for you? What are you already doing that IS working for you every day to be excited about contacting potential buyers?

Remember the movie, Moonstruck, when Nicholas Cage's character tells Cher's character that he loves her, so she slaps him, and says, "Snap out of it!" - I love that slap - it represents to me a call to action.

What could you slap your business or even yourself for.... figuratively speaking, that is?

Here are the first 50 of a list of 101 ways to "snap out of it" and score more sales:

  1. read a recommended sales book
  2. bookmark a sales blog and read regularly
  3. sign up for RSS feeds for sales sites, blogs, or podcasts
  4. hire a prospecting coach
  5. hire a presentation skills coach
  6. subscribe to Selling Power or Sales & Marketing Management
  7. attend a sales conference
  8. attend a sales skills workshop
  9. hire a sales activity coach
  10. improve your time management
  11. learn the basic tenets of successful selling
  12. learn about your own style and traits
  13. learn about others' character traits
  14. list out your selling "areas to work on"
  15. set aside weekly prospecting time
  16. keep track of all sales opportunities
  17. update your sales opportunities daily
  18. find a mentor you admire
  19. review your physical image and style
  20. hire an image coach
  21. review your mental mountains and valleys
  22. find 3 ways to make your more likable
  23. read, Love is the Killer App
  24. review Proficiencies for Masterful Sellers
  25. read a book on creativity
  26. go somewhere creative
  27. block time in your calendar - weekly - for proactive selling
  28. create a list of "biggest gain" to do's
  29. mentor someone else in sales
  30. call 50 people or meet 50 people and hone your intro (or value proposition)
  31. get feedback on your listening skills
  32. make a list of 10 places to get new biz
  33. work on your value proposition - it's about others, not about you
  34. re-invent yourself
  35. find a new audience for your product or service
  36. learn 20 new power phrases
  37. analyze what you say that is negative
  38. target 10 companies you want to work with
  39. create a plan of action for those 10 companies
  40. set an activity goal to book 20 meetings
  41. think of stories that you can use to better connect with prospects
  42. analyze what past customers or clients have bought from you
  43. offer a new service which your market wants
  44. attend a Toastmasters group or Dale Carnegie
  45. learn more about your prospective clients' business to help solve problems
  46. say "yes, and" rather than "no, but" - in the spirit of improv
  47. create urgency with an offer
  48. become more proactive with customer service
  49. ask for referrals
  50. obtain letters of reference, on letterhead, showing measurable value, from 10 clients

What tips do YOU use? Post them as comments - top ones will win a coffee card (North American readers)

Lori Richardson is recognized as one of the "Top 25 Sales Influencers for 2013" and one of "20 Women to Watch in Sales Lead Management for 2013". Lori speaks, writes, trains, and consults with inside and outbound sellers in technology and services companies. Subscribe to the award-winning blog and the “Sales Ideas In A Minute" newsletter for sales strategies, tactics, and tips in selling. Increase Opportunities. Expand Your Pipeline. Close More Deals.

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