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12 Sales Time Hacks so You Can Sell More

Written by Lori Richardson | Feb 9, 2015 9:13:42 AM

Want to know some of the top time hacks that sales reps can use to get more done? I recently did a webinar on being more productive in sales with Velocify. The recording, geared toward sales leaders but helpful for anyone in selling will give you even more ideas than what I’m listing here. Below are 12 of the top time hacks you can put in place to grow sales.

I learned these not from being the most productive person, but often from being frustratingly slow or from losing important prospect or buyer information. Over time, I invested in courses and events to help me master the one thing you cannot get back in selling – TIME. I learned from the best.

At one point in my career I was certified by Franklin-Covey (at that time they were the leaders in productivity training) and I led over 100 workshops with sales, customer service, and other company employees on ways to get more done consistently. Eventually I dove into productivity guru David Allen’s GTD (Getting Things Done) material. I learned some extremely important lessons from his sessions, books, and posts. An entire movement was created called GTD – just put it in search and see all the tools and sites that talk about it.

The number 1 issue for sellers as I meet with them one-on-one is usually a tie between “can’t reach my buyer” and “I need to better manage my time.” In the webinar, my co-presenter, Alyssa Trenkamp talks about the multi-tasking study Velocify did which is very interesting for you to think about.

Bottom line – keep your focus on what you are working on to grow sales! Track it, measure it, and have a safe place to store your information so you can get it out of your brain.

We will be going through 3 of these at a time this week – for now…….

See which of these you have in place to help support your sales efforts:

  1. Start your day with 3 main goals and a To-Do list
  2. Practice “dumping your brain” into a safe respository
  3. Understand and use focus vs. multitasking
  4. Avoid unnecessary meetings – just because you’re invited doesn’t mean you need to go
  5. Avoid assuming the responsibilities of support and implementation – coach but you don’t need to “own”
  6. Start RFPs early – there is plenty you can delegate, but only if you leave enough time.
  7. Focus on revenue-generating tasks FIRST
  8. Do what you dread – delegate it – or just get it done
  9. Become a student of productivity
  10. Close your “open loops” regularly
  11. Set Monday intentions with Friday reviews (EVERY week)
  12. E-mail: use folders / read and respond at specific times

How did you do? What tips and ideas do YOU have to be more productive? Let us know because one idea shared could transform someone’s week. If you have figured something out that makes you more productive, you know the value of it.

Lori Richardson is recognized on Forbes as one of the "Top 30 Social Sales Influencers" worldwide. Lori speaks, writes, trains, and consults with inside sales teams in mid-sized companies. Subscribe to the award-winning blog and the "Sales Ideas In A Minute" newsletter for sales strategies, tactics, and tips in selling. Increase Opportunities. Expand Your Pipeline. Close More Deals.

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